Written on 12/13/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Place feet on chair, body in a straight line

2. Arms and core tight

3. Hold it and breathe

1. Place hands wide on a chair

2. Begin in a plank position with your hands under your shoulders

3. Drive knees toward chest in running motion

1. Forearms on the chair shoulder width part

2. Step feet back behind you together

3. Hop feet from to the right side and to then left side, core tight

1. Place both hands on the chair, body in plank position

2. Bend your elbows and lower your body until their chest touches the front edge of the chair and then push back up

1. Place hands shoulder width on a chair, body in a plank position

2. Lift Right arm in a swimmer circle

3. Replace hand and repeat on left side

1. Sit in a chair

2. Stand up and jump!

1. Place hands shoulder-width apart on chair, body in a plank position

2. Touch right hand to left shoulder then left hand to right shoulder

1. Place hands on wide on a chair

2. Hinge at hips and jump feet back

3. Return feet under hips and raise hands over your head