Written on 12/13/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Stand with feet hip distance apart, hands behind your head

2. Lift your leg to the side and hinge your body to the same side


TIP: Keep your core tight

1. Start in a wide lunge position with your knee directly over your heel

2. Pulse twice, jump, then kick


TIP: Maintain your balance by pulling your abs in

1. Begin in plank position

2. This exercise is similar to a Mountain Climber but instead of your knees going directly under your body, they go to the outsides towards your elbows


TIP: The quicker you go, the more difficult

1. Kick one leg forward

2. Kick the other leg backward

3. Hop!


TIP: The faster you go, the more difficult 

1. Lay on your back and lift your hips high squeezing your glutes

2. Roll up to seated and using your arms, lift your hips off the floor


TIP: Focus on straightening your arms for “max” tricep work