Written on 12/13/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Begin in plank position

2. Do a narrow pushup with hands directly under shoulders, keeping elbows close to your sides

3. Walk hand out wide to a regular pushup position


TIP: Keep back flat throughout the exercise

1. Begin in a downdog position and lift one leg up, hands are in a wide stance

2. Bend elbows lowering your forehead towards the floor, then press back up

1. Balance one leg with hands by your sides

2. Hinge forward from your hip lowering your upper body down

3. Stand back up by squeezing your glute muscles

4. Keep your balance!

1. Balance on one leg while holding your free leg behind you

2. Keeping a flat back squat down


TIP: Keep your knee in line with your toe

1. From plank position, lift alternating legs up

2. Keep back flat and core tight

1. Lay on back with legs straight up

2. Engage core and lift upper body up, touching your hands to your toes


TIP: Think about pressing your low back to the floor

1. Lay on back with hands over your head

2. Lift upper and lower body together by engaging your core

3. Without breaking the “straight line,” roll to your tummy, then roll back and do it again!