Written on 12/13/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Start from standing, hinge forward, walking your hands out to plank

2. Walk your hand back up to standing

3. Keep your abdominals engaged and your back flat

1. Start in standing; take a huge step out to the right, bending the right knee

2. Come back to standing; take a big step diagonally backwards (curtsey)

3. Keep back flat and your knees behind your toes

1. Sit on your tailbone with your legs lifted

2. Clasp hands together and row them from side to side like you are paddling a canoe

3. Keep your abdominals tights

1. Run in place driving knees as high as you can

1. Place hands directly under your chest

2. Hands in wide position, fingers turned slightly in

3. Keep straight line from neck, upper back, hips, to toes

1. Lay on back, arms by your sides

2. Curl your knees in towards your chest, lifting your tailbone off the floor

1. Squat down touching elbows to knees and jump up driving arms towards the ceiling

2. Remember to breathe