Written on 12/13/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Do 25 regular jumping jacks then finish with 10 Star Jumps


TIP: Star Jumps are an explosion of power with arms and legs out to the sides

1. Regular skipping like you used to do in elementary school then...

2. Put some power to it and see how high you can get

3. Remember to breathe!

1. Place hands directly under your shoulders

2. Bring knee towards chest and quickly switch like you are running

3. Keep your back flat and eyes looking down between your hands

1. Lay on your back pressing your low back to the floor

2. Lift both legs up towards the ceiling and SLOWLY lower them back down

3. Keep abdominals tight!

1. Begin in a squat position, jump up and cross legs squeezing your inner thighs, and jump back to a squat

2. Keep your chest up and your back flat

1. Place hands directly under your chest

2. Hands in wide position, fingers turned slightly in

3. Keep straight line from neck, upper back, hips, to toe

1. Start in a standing position and move into a squat

2. Lower hands to the floor and crawl out to bear

3. Slowly crawl your way back up


TIP: Keep your abdominals engaged and your back flat in the squat