Written on 12/13/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Lay on your back, arms by your sides

2. Lift your hips up towards the ceiling and squeeze your glutes

1. Lay on back, low back pinned towards floor

2. Lift upper body off the floor using your abdominal muscles

3. Exhale as you lift up

1. Sit in chair with good posture

2. Just like it sounds - stand up, and sit back down again while trying to maintain good posture

1. Just like it sounds!

2. Remember to breathe!

1. Place hands directly under your chest

2. Hands in wide position, fingers turned slightly in

3. Keep straight line from neck, upper back, hips, to knees

1. Place hands behind head

2. Lift right knee up, lean to the side and try to touch your elbow to your knee

1. Place elbows directly under your shoulders

2. Keep upper back engaged, abdominals tight, back flat

1. Stand with feet in a very wide staggered stance

2. Bend both knees, lowering you towards the floor

3. Straighten legs to stand back up

1. Stand with feet in a very wide staggered stance

2. Bend both knees, lowering you towards the floor

3. Straighten legs to stand back up

1. Push back up against wall and walk out so your knees are bent at 90 degrees

2. Keep your weight in your heels and push your back against the wall

3. Hold position