Written on 12/13/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Place hands on the wall and press away (like a pushup), then do a huge jump straight up

1. Push back up against wall and walk out so your knees are bent at 90 degrees

2. Hold position.  

3. Keep your weight in your heels and push your back against the wall

1. Keep feet in a wide stance, hands behind head

2. Squat down keeping back flat and chest lifted, squeezing your upper back muscles

1. Start with your hands behind your head

2. Pull knee up towards chest so your right knee goes towards your left elbow

3. Switch sides, remembering to pull your abdominals in

1. Run in place driving knees as high as you can

1. Run in place trying your best to kick your own butt!

2. Remember to breathe!

1. Lay on your side and lift your leg up to feel your oblique muscles work