Written on 12/13/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Run in place driving knees as high as you can

1. Place your hands directly under your shoulders and lift your hips off the floor

2. Turn your fingertips towards your buns

1. Sit in a chair with one leg extended

2. Keeping back flat and your leg off the ground, stand up, then sit down

1. Begin in a plank position.  

2. Lower your body to the floor, release your hands off the floor, then push back up to plank

3. Keep your body moving as one unit with your back flat

1. Lay on your back with one leg straight up to the ceiling

2. Lift hips up and down off the floor

3. Keep your glutes tight

1. From a plank position, lift your right hand off the floor touching your left shoulder, then switch sides


TIP: keep your back flat and don’t let your body rock from side to side. Keep it as still as you can