Written on 12/13/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. From a standing position, take a giant step forward bending both knees towards the floor, then stand back up and step forward with your other log so you are walking across the room.

2. Keep your knee behind your toe and your chest lifted

3. Don’t let your knee go past your toe

1. From a plank position (hands under shoulders) lower down to right forearm, then left forearm, then back to right hand then left hand

2. Keep your back flat and try your best to not rock from side to side

1. Lift one foot off the floor, bending your knee then standing back up


TIP: leg forward will help with balance and hold onto something if you need assistance with balance

1. Lay on your side with both knees bent and hands behind your head

2. Lift your chest up towards the ceiling

3. Exhale as you lift up, inhale as you lower

1. Place one foot on an elevated surface and step all the way up

2. Think of driving the crown of your head to the ceiling

1. Lay on your back and lift your left leg and your right arm straight up, lower down and switch sides

2. Imagine your legs and arms as being really long and trying to lift as high as you can

1. Keeping your feet and knees together, bend your knees and stand back up

2. When you stand imagine that you are squeezing your inner thighs together

1. Lift your leg up and kick to the side

2. Keep your abdominals tight!

1. Lay on back, low back pushed to floor

2. Slightly lift upper body up

3. Lift legs up and scissor kick

1. Place hands directly under your chest

2. Hands in wide position, fingers turned slightly in

3. Keep straight line from neck, upper back, hips, to toes