Written on 12/12/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Begin by standing with feet together and arms by sides

2. Extend right arm and right leg out to the side, then bring switch sides

3. The bigger the movement the higher your heart rate will be

1. Link your fingers together in front of your body

2. Draw a figure 8

3. Keep your abdominal muscles engaged

1. Balance on 1 leg

2. Keep your core tight

1. Start with right arm and left leg forward

2. Jump to switch

1. Start with your hands behind your head

2. Pull knee up towards chest and engage your abdominals

3. Switch legs

1. Balance on 1 leg

2. Keep your core tight

1. Hands directly under your shoulders, knees directly under your hips

2. Lift knees slightly off the ground and hold

3. Pull your abs in and towards your spine and keep your back flat

1. Laying on back, pull alternating knees in towards your chest

2. Push lower back towards the floor

1. Lay on your back, arms by your sides

2. Lift your hips up towards the ceiling and squeeze your glutes

1. Lift your upper body and lower body up and hold

2. Keep your glutes tight and abdominals engaged