Written on 12/12/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Sit with good posture, arms to the sides

2. Circle arms either forward or backwards


1. Sit with good posture, arms out to the sides

2. Tuck right knee in, then tuck left knee in

1. Sit in chair with good posture

2. Just like it sounds - stand up, and sit back down again while trying to maintain good posture

1. Sit in chair with good posture, arms bent at a 90 degree angle

2. Press arms overhead as quickly as you can for 1 minute

1. Sit in chair with good posture, hand behind head

2. Lift right knee, twisting your upper body so your left elbow goes towards your knee

3. Switch sides

1. Sit in chair with good posture

2. Just like it sounds - stand up, and sit back down again while trying to maintain good posture

1. Sit on chair with good posture, hands in a “fight” position

2. Punch arms out, keeping elbows slightly bent

1. Sit in chair with your knees and elbows tucked in

2. Extend arms and legs out

3. Keep your abs tight

1. Sit in chair with good posture

2. Just like it sounds - stand up, and sit back down again while trying to maintain good posture