Written on 12/13/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Do a pushup then row one elbow

2. Do a pushup then row the other elbow

3. Jump into a squat position, stand up, do a full squat, and jump up

1. Start in a boat position by balancing on your tailbone, legs extended out

2. Do a chest fly by taking your arms to the sides and pulling them back in front


TIP: Try squeezing your chest “girls” together or using a weight like soup cans

Another fun modification with a burpee


1. From standing, squat down, jump to plank, do a pushup then…

2. Lift one leg up and kick to the back

3. Jump back into squat and stand and jump

1. Begin in a plank position with hands wide and feet narrow

2. As you bend your elbows into a pushup, draw your knee to the outside like you are trying to touch your knee to your elbow


Tip: Do a hard exhale as you push up to plank and pull your abs in!

1. Lay on your back with your arms to the sides

2. Keeping your back pinned to the floor, drop your legs to the side

3. Lift back up to the center, pull your abs in and lift your legs to the ceiling

4. Switch sides

1. Stand with feet wide and arms up

2. Do a squat and drive your elbows towards your knees

3. Then give me some power and jump up driving your elbows to your knees


TIP: Maintain a flat back

1. Lay on your back and lift your glutes in the air and squeeze your buns

2. Extend your entire body out and tuck your arms and legs back in by contracting your abs


TIP: Make each movement of the exercise intentional

1. Begin in a side plank with your hand directly under your shoulder, top arm extended straight up and top foot in front of the bottom foot

2. Rotate your top arm like you are reaching under your body

3. Pull back up to side plank

4. Rotate your entire body to the other side and repeat