Written on 12/13/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Squat down

2. Hop back to plank, hop back to squat

3. Jump up!


Tip: When you hop back in to squat, try widening your feet to keep your back aligned and give you more hops on the way up

1. Lay on stomach

2. Raise arms and legs off floor

3. Kick your arms and legs up and down in a swimming motion


TIP: Keep your chin tucked down

1. Stand with legs wide, toes turned out

2. Keep back flat

3. Bend both knees and hips to squat

4. Coming up from squat lift knee to elbow and alternate sides

5. Keep weight in your heels

1. Stand with feet hip distance apart, bend your knees

2. Tap feet quickly while staying in place

3. Stay on toes

1. Get in a pushups position

2. Walk hands back toward feet until hips are up and you are on toes

3. Go down into a pushup, make sure your shoulders are over your wrists


TIP: Engage your core

1. Get into a full arm plank position, hands under your shoulders

2. Move arms and legs (entire body) 2 steps to each side staying in plank form


TIP: Engage your core and keep your back straight

1. Start in standing; take a huge step out to the right, bending the right knee

2. Come back to standing; take a big step diagonally backwards (curtsey)


TIP: Keep back flat and your knees behind your toes

1. Stand with feet close together

2. Hold arms straight out to the side “T”

3. Jump up with both knees to chest and close arms in towards your knees

4. Land softly bending your knees