Written on 12/13/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Begin in a standing position

2. Step back and lower into a lunge making sure your knee doesn’t go past the point of your toe

3. Stand back up and drive your back knee forward and jump

1. Start on one end of your mat. Jump as wide as you can landing on one foot in balance

2. Jump to the other side

TIP: Go for distance, height and power; keep your abs engaged and soft bends in your knees

1. Begin with your feet together

2. Take a huge step out bending your outside knee into a lunge

3. Stand back up and kick your other leg to the opposite side

1. Run in place driving knees as high as you can

1. Stand with feet hip distance apart

2. Squat keeping a flat back

3. As you stand, kick your leg out in front of you while keeping a soft bend in both knees

1. Begin with your feet together.

2. Draw one knee up in front using your abs

3. Kick the opposite leg backward

1. Squat down

2. Hop back to plank, hop back to squat

3. Jump up!


Tip: When you hop back in to squat, try widening your feet to keep your back aligned and give you more hops on the way up