Written on 12/13/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Jump up by kicking your legs out to the sides and your arms to a wide V

1. Stand in a neutral position

2. Curl your hands towards your shoulders then press them over your head


Tip: Grab something heavy to put in both hands. A soup can works great!

1. Squat with feet hip distance apart

2. Jump up

3. Kick leg to the side two times

4. Repeat other side

1. Begin in plank position

2. This exercise is similar to a Mountain Climber but instead of your knees going directly under your body, they go to the outsides towards your elbows


TIP: The quicker you go, the more difficult

1. Lay on your side with your elbow directly under your shoulder and your feet stacked on top of each other.

2. Lift your hips off the floor and place your free hand behind your head.

3. Rotate your upper body so your free elbow dips down


Tip: Keep your glutes tight for extra stability. To make it easier, separate your feet

1. Place hands directly under your chest

2. Hands in wide position, fingers turned slightly in

3. Keep straight line from neck, upper back, hips, to toes