Written on 12/13/2018
Master LadyBoss

1. Begin in a plank position on your knees with your back flat and your booty tucked in

2. Place your hands directly under your shoulders fingertips pointing forward or slightly out

3. Inhale as you bend your elbows lowering your body towards the floor, exhale as you press yourself back up

1. Kick forward keeping a soft bend in your knees

1. Stand with feet wide, soft bend in knees

2. Jab your arms forward keeping a soft bend in your elbows


TIP: The faster you go, the higher your heart rate will climb!

1. Begin in a plank position with feet wider than a yoga mat

2. Inhale on the way down, exhale and pull in your abs on the way up

1. Stand with feet together

2. Lift a leg and kick to the side, switch sides


TIP: Keep a soft bend in your knees

1. Stand with feet wide and a soft bend in your knees

2. Quickly do an uppercut motion with your palms facing your face

1. Place both hands on the floor and your feet on a chair, body in plank position

2. Bend your elbows and lower your body towards the floor then push back up

1. Stand with feet hip distance apart and arms in front of you for balance

2. Kick alternating legs to the back


TIP: Keep your core tight to help with balance and a soft knee bend

1. Stand with feet wide and arms up in a block

2. Hook your arm around like you are striking a post in front of you


TIP: Lift elbows up

1. Sit on your tailbone, lifting your legs up and using your arms to assist with balance

2. Hold this position


TIP: Remember to breath and pull your abs in